20 Years: A Celebration of Friendship - 19th January 2015

A documentary to mark the 20 years of friendship between Wessex Jamaat and Portsmouth Cathedral celebrated on the 19th January 2015. A documentary to mark the 20 years of friendship between Wessex Jamaat and Portsmouth Cathedral celebrated on the 19th January 2015....

20 Years: A Celebration of Friendship - 19th January 2015

A documentary to mark the 20 years of friendship between Wessex Jamaat and Portsmouth Cathedral celebrated on the 19th January 2015. Click here to view the video. The documentary was conceptualised and produced by the team below:

Executive Producers

Sheikh Fazle Abbas Datoo
Reverend Canon Peter Leonard

Production Team

Khudayja Datoo
Maryam Rahim
Masuma Jessa
Ruqayya Datoo
Zahra Panjwani

Chief Editor

Luke Robertson – Faculty of Cultural and Creative Industries, University of Portsmouth


We would like to thank the following who have supported in the making of this video:
Charles Barker – School of Law, University of Portsmouth
Claire Sparrow – School of Law, University of Portsmouth
Liz Snowball – Portsmouth Cathedral
Waheeda Rahim
Reverend Andrew Marshall – Chaplaincy, University of Portsmouth