Shahru Ramadhan Announcement - Important Changes

Shahru Ramadhan Announcement - Important Changes

Dear Mumineen,
Salamun alaykum,

We are approximately 3 months away from the start of shahru Ramadhan and planning for this month is well underway.  

We would like to thank all Mu'mineen for their contribution and participation in organising Iftaars for the holy month of Ramadhan for over 20 years. AlhamdulilLah we have all stood united, ensuring that we congregated together, and most importantly brought our children together to the Al Mahdi Centre where they have had the opportunity to grow as part of one big family. Jazakumullah.

This year, after due consultation and the very many positive feedbacks we have received, we have slightly amended the way we would like to present our fundraising needs for the month of Ramadhan.

To set out the changes we are making and the important points to note are as follows:
1) The first and foremost change will be that you, the community, will decide how many iftars we are going to have.

We will start off by scheduling the usual number of iftars on the timetable and mu’mineen are invited to:

 - either donate, whatever amount you want into the Ramadhan Fund
- you may volunteer to cook yourself or along with others you may choose to cook with. This is entirely optional.

None of these are an obligation as we recognise people contribute in various ways. Families will not be contacted and allocated an iftaar. You are invited to contribute whatever you wish into the Ramadhan fund. 

We are certain that with everyone’s help and donations, we will break our fast together like we have done for years InshaAllah.

Attending the iftar is NOT subject to you contributing financially or by cooking. Everyone is welcome to attend the iftars as these events contribute towards the success of our community joining together and making the Al Mahdi Centre community one community of mu’mineen. 

All your generous donations will go into one pot for iftar, cleaning, visiting speakers, Eid function, Eid gifts for children, etc. So, when you are donating you make the niyah for the Ramadhan fund and that will be utilised for all the above expenses for the month and any surplus as usual will go towards the general fund.

2) If, in the unlikely event, we do not have enough funds raised by 20th Sha’ban (14th April 2020) or do not have enough cooking volunteers pledging their support, then unfortunately we will have to reduce the number of iftars. However, from past experience and having witnessed the generosity of mu'mineen, we firmly believe that this is going to be highly unlikely given the continued support we have always received AlhamdulilLah.

3) All Mu’mineen wishing to provide iftaar, either singly or collectively with a group of mumineen, during shahru Ramadhan must submit their names to Sheila Bai Moledina, Fatim Bai Nurmohamed, Brothers Jamil Bandali, Hasnain Nurmohamed or email secretariat on  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You are welcome to use the Al Mahdi Centre kitchen for cooking to provide an iftaar; basic kitchen training and knowledge or trained kitchen personnel is a requirement. All names must be submitted by 5th Sha’baan (30th March 2020) in order to assist us with the planning and allocations.

4) We intend to raise £20,000 for the holy month. Constant reminders and fundraising targets will be shared InshaAllah. 

The average cost of one iftaar is £750 depending on the day of the week.
Mumineen are encouraged and invited to donate either a full iftaar or part of an iftaar.

Please note that the amount to be raised as a target amount for this year has been fully costed and therefore if there are any questions or concerns then please feel free to ask either our treasurer Jamil Bandali or Hasnain Nurmohamed in this regard

5) Finally, if anyone wishes for a Surah Fatiha to be recited during shahru Ramadhan for their marhumeen, please email secretariat on  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.with the name and request. There is no charge for this, although donations are welcome, and we are all encouraged to submit the names of our marhumeen. Mu'mineen that donate a full or part of an iftaar are also encouraged to submit the names of marhumeen which will be announced for recitation of al-Fatiha throughout the entire month.

We have had a very good tradition here in Wessex Jamaat of having iftars on most nights and we are confident we can count on your support for this year too.


You may:

  • contribute in person to Brother Jamil Bandali or Brother Hasnain Nurmohamed
  • donate a full iftaar (£700) via PayPal here
  • donate part iftaar (£350) via PayPal here
  • donate part iftaar (£200) via PayPal here
  • donate part iftaar (£100) via PayPal here
  • donate part iftaar (ANY AMOUNT) via PayPal here
  • donate via bank transfer (reference Ramadhan): Acc name - Wessex Jamaat; Sort code: 20-69-34; Account number: 40910147

We look forward to your support, either through your direct donations (ANY AMOUNT for no amount is too small) towards ONE FUND and we organise the iftar or you volunteer to provide an iftaar.  

With du’as
Secretariat | Wessex Jamaat